I recently attended an exceptional workshop through the Institute of Noetic Sciences. I was first introduced to IONS when I mapped their 2008 conference in Tucson. It is a great community of people that blends the science minded and the spiritually minded. They have their fingers in everything that is fascinating to me. They are on the edges of the gap between science and spirituality. That gap is the same one we often leap across when we bring "art" (visual facilitation and other creative engagement methods) into business environments.
The workshop last week was called "Engaging Fielding of Consciousness in a Living Universe | For Group Leaders." I could not resist. As a Visual Facilitator and having spoken to many people who do this kind of work, the visual reflections we create for groups are often the result of tapping into some content other than just what is being said. I won't go into more of that now, but save that for a future post. This workshop was lead by Duane Elgin and Christopher Bache. They were a perfect combination. Christopher provided specific practices to support and engage fields within group and Duane provided the visionary context and importance for this way of working at this time in our universe.
I was inspired by the leaders and the possibilities for working in this way with groups. I am attaching my notes from the weekend. I don't imagine they will do more than spark interest and curiosity for you. For me, they trigger memories of not only the content but the experience and field that was created by the fourteen people who were in that room at the Earth Rise Retreat Center last weekend. The notes are also a window into how I take notes for myself, rather than when I am being paid to produce a visual record for a broader audience. I enjoy being solely responsible for what I want to capture and how. I shared these notes with other workshop participants and they resonated to some extent for them, because the content is familiar. If I had been "working" this event, I am sure my notes would be very different. In part because I would have been working on a wall. I would have been listening to the collective and for the collective, rather than for me and my interests. I would have been sensing and hearing in a different way just by standing to the side, rather than sitting in the circle. I would have been more diligent to capture details that were not as pertinent for me alone.
I am curious to see other visual practitioner's personal sketchbook notes and the differences between what they capture for themselves and what they capture for everyone else...
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- map the mind
- San Francisco, CA
- Visual Facilitator, working with individuals and groups to engage more fully.
Now there's an interesting question. I'd love to post some of my own examples, but where? I'll put some on my blog for you to look at.
Love "the visual reflections we create for groups are often the result of tapping into some content other than just what is being said", very true, and I'm dying to hear your next post on this!
In my experience I use a more personal iconography and don't feel any pressure to organize things much... plus a lot more color than I might typically use in public. Also tends to be more gestural. The result is that I see connections that I wasn't even aware initially of when I look at the notes again! So I guess chaos has its points when it comes to non-linear stuff.
Julie said:
Fascinating Roberta! When you post on your blog, let us know. Also, if you could copy your comments here on my blog, so I can track it that would be great. I wonder if how we hold ourselves when we are mapping for others may or may not block the receptivity of some content that comes through when we are just in the moment for our own maps ...
Then I said:
Receptivity... for me I guess I'm not tuning into the same thing... in personal note taking, I'm tuning into my reactions to what's going on only, while in graphic recording, I'm tuned into my reactions to the group's reactions to what's going on... if that makes any sense!
This might be too simplistic though. I'm probably influenced by group dynamics even with personal note-taking... it's just perhaps more unconscious!
Hi ladies, cool topic!
It's funny, because when people want me to share my own notes from a meeting or event, I tend to preface it by saying "now, these are just my personal notes..."
The biggest difference in my work is that when my notes are for me, I'm focusing on capturing what interests ME from the conversation. So, that "me-filter" that I set aside in my professional work is certainly visible. If you said something that didn't interest me, I'm not going to note it down...because these notes are for my own edification. When I'm on a job, I'm creating the visual memory for the group...so the content's more far-reaching or all-inclusive.
However, my own notes still tend to be colorful, playful...and interestingly still tapping into the emotion and energy of the group experience. (I'm looking at the notes I took during a mastermind call yesterday...and that's absolutely the case.
You can see some of my visual notes at my gallery:
The SDMPI and Secret Knock books are good examples, I think.
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